Where do they come from?
The migration flows of recent years, while considering some significant peaks, remain relatively stable and predictable. Notwithstanding the propaganda statements of some political groups and interest groups, widespread perception of migrants is often mistrusted, also linked to the ignorance of the causes that force these individuals to escape from their homeland.
Acc. to UNHCR, more than half of the total migrants arriving in the European Union come from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
In Italy, the trend is different: most migrants come from sub-Saharan Africa. Migrants arriving in Europe have to face natural obstacles like the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean sea and dangerous territories such as Mali and Libya.
Minor percentage of refugees come from countries like Mali, Chad and many others. A separate argument deserves Libya, or the nation for which most of the migrants from sub-Saharan Africa pass, and where most of the boats are heading to the Italian coast: Libya is in fact in the majority of cases the last African stage of the great migratory paths that target Europe and that start from Africa, but does not in itself produce a large number of migrants.


The migrants and refugees landed in Italy in 2016 come mainly from subsaharian countries, like Nigeria (15%), Gambia (10%), Somalia (9%), Eritrea, Guinea and Ivory Coast (8%).
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