They flee from Eritrea to avoid military conscription.
The national military service is compulsory, it is often extended indefinitely and many are forced to work.
Thousands of conscience and political prisoners are still being held in appalling conditions.
Torture and other ill-treatment are common.
The country has a high maternal and child mortality rate 132 occupying the place of this ranking of the report on the State of the World Mothers.
In July, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations appointed a Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, in response to "the continued widespread and systematic violations of human rights by the Eritrean authorities." The Eritrean government has, however, rejected the appointment because it is considered political.
the United Nations Monitoring Group on Eritrea said that Eritrea has continued to supply the armed groups of opposition to the Somali government from neighboring countries, particularly in Ethiopia, in addition, around the middle of 'years, other reports indicated that the government was distributing weapons to the civilian population.

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