El salvador
El Salvador is considered the most violent country in the world: the streets are controlled by local gangs, the police try to fight back crime with a tough repression abusing their power even with the innocents.
The most immediate cause for the surge in killings appears to be fighting between powerful street gangs that erupted after a truce between the Mara Salvatrucha and the 18th Street gang reportedly fell apart in 2014. The "iron fist" used by the government to crack down on bands caused the violent response of the gangs which has resulted in the total chaos.
Increasing levels of violence continues to affect people’s rights to life, physical integrity, education and freedom of movement.
As if the human rights violations during operations to combat organized crime and the violence of the main gangs weren't enough...
There is a total ban on abortion that threats women’s rights, even for cases of rape or where there is a risk to the life of the woman.
Impunity for violence and other crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual
high levels of gender-based violence.
Impunity: Today, El Salvador’s police lack the resources to carry out thorough investigations, and the courts are often ineffective and subject to political influence, leading to the high impunity rates that are common in the region

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