The Rules
In this section are expressed the most important laws operating within the member states of the European Union on the topic of refugees.From the general part of the EU's legal foundations until the current agreements between individual states.
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
About refugees:
ART. 18 Right to asylum
ART. 19 Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
ART. 78 The Union shall develop a common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection and temporary protection
Dublin III
The Dublin III Regulation provides a mechanism for determining which country is responsible for examining an application for international protection
This regulation established some basic principles
Every asylum or protection application must be esaminated by only one member State;
Every person has the right to have an interview
Agreement Between UE and Turkey
Deal: Resentment of migrants in Turkey.
Any asylum seekers that lands in Greece will be sent back to Turkey. In order to comply with international law, migrants will be
"registered without delay and requests for asylum will be examined individually".
What does Turkey get back?
- The EU will be preparing to decide on the opening of new chapters" on Turkey's accession to the European Union for a long time, "as soon as possible"
- For each Syrian returned to Turkey, Europe another Syrian will be transferred from Turkey to the European Union through humanitarian channels
Agreement Between Italy And Libia
Italy has promised to support Libya to patrol and close the southern border of the country
Technical support to the Libyan organisations that contrasts the traffic of human beings
Hotspot Approach To Managing Exceptional Migratory Flows
What is a Hotspot ?​
It' s an EU-run reception centre in frontline member states like Italy and Greece to identify and fingerprint migrants and refugees to relocating refugees from war zones
What support and resources are provided?
Help to the member states is provided by the European Asylum Support Office
Where are the Hotspots?
In Italy, the first one is Lampedusa.
If you want to learn more CLICK HERE